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Forum Rules

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Forum Rules Empty Forum Rules

Post by Admin Mon Jan 26, 2009 9:20 am

Registration: Each member is allowed to have 1 screenname, any extra accounts will be banned.

***Added March 19th, 2009* Usernames cannot be a website name or email account

Posting: When you post a new thread, the thread is expected to be related to the forum at hand, if you are not sure, post it in General Chat. All copy/pasted articles must be accompanied with a link citing your source.

Duplicate posts/threads: If something happens where you end up posting a thread twice, please report(The "!" icon) one of them or pm a Mod/Admin to have one locked/canned.

Thread Titles: All thread titles must have at least 10 characters(letters, numbers, symbols) in it. Do not mislead members in your titles to get people to open them. For example posting a thread about US Foreign Policy but titling it "Free Girl Scout cookies in here......."

Do not intentionally hijack a thread and try to change the subject matter, I understand things happen but please respect the original poster of the thread and stay on topic to the theme of the thread.

Starting a thread: After you start a thread, expect to be disagreed with, you are not in charge of what can be posted in the thread, so expect the worst, if you cannot handle criticism and different opinions dont start the thread, maybe not log into the internet at all.

Spam: Nothing will get you banned faster.

Sexual Content: Dont be posting it. (See "Spam")

Advertising: This is a free forum, I do not make money, you are expected to keep any advertising in your signature.

Links: Do not post links to websites that may be harmful to someones computer(spyware, malware, etc.). This will also get you a 1 month suspension for the 1st offense(if I believe its an accident), and a permanent ban for a 2nd. The Xinhua news website is an example of a news website that is banned from this forum because of its vulnerability to spyware, malware, etc. If you are not sure of a site's safety, I suggest you download McAfee Site Advisor. But almost every popular news website out there is safe.

Trolling: Troll, according to Wikipedia: An Internet troll, or simply troll in Internet slang, is someone who posts controversial, inflammatory, irrelevant or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum or chat room, with the intention of provoking other users into an emotional response[1] or to generally disrupt normal on-topic discussion. Dont do any of that

Personal info: Do not post members personal info publicly on the boards, This will not be tolerated. 1st offense is a 1 month suspension , the 2nd offense is permanent ban

Racist/Extremist posts: Please refrain from posting racist rhetoric. Blanket generalizations of whole demographics of people will not be tolerated. This includes race, sexual orientation, sexism, nationality, and religous beliefs or lack there of. Do not go out of your way to offend people.

Personal attacks:Keep personal attacks, a.k.a. name-calling, to a minimum. It is fine to debate someone's opinion, but keep it civil. Deliberately baiting members is not allowed, ex: starting a thread for the purpose of attacking a member. Keep your snide comments to yourself. Try to follow momma's rule, "If you dont have anything nice to say, just dont say it". Please endeavor to keep your posts respectful. Let's be adults, please.

Moderators The moderators have the last word. Do not publicly criticize them. If you got a problem, take it up with the administrator/super moderators via PM only.

Admin/Super Moderators: Reserve the right to automatically ban a violating user for as long as they deem fit. Do not publicly criticize the mods or the website as a whole, do not attempt to undermine their authority. If you got a problem, handle it off the public board, do it through private message or email.

These rules may change at any time

Aries Monkey
Number of posts : 187
Age : 44
Location : Pennsylvania
Humor : Sure
Registration date : 2009-01-13

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